Age of Profound change
World society has evolved from the industrial
age to the information age. The Industrial Age was characterized
"Bricks and Mortar" and large capitol
investments in plant an equipment; e.g.,
steel mills, railroads, assembly lines, etc.
The Information Age is characterized by
precise, ubiquitous, complete, low cost, and global availability of information
about anything. This has been made possible by the world wide web which is a
communications network with links to the level of individual people. The
results include:
1) "Virtuality";
The virtual office, school, mall, market, bank, etc;
2)"Electronic Commerce"
global market place; "24/7/365" nonstop public and private business; With
optimum efficiency and minimum cost.
3)"Global collaboration"
precise, analytical use of information gathered from around the world at any time, from
anyplace. This dramatically reduces the float time between problem and
These are a few of the information
age concepts that are profoundly changing the functioning of world society.