Adama, along with his Lemurian team are also … Mount Shasta draws visitors from all over the world, some seeking spiritual insight, others seek to glory in the beauty and natural wonders that “mother nature” has to offer here in this unique alpine region. Telos global family , is a union of the Telos World Organization established by … Experience Lemuria (Telos) : 12 recorded journeys into Telos Meditations About Contact Lorie Ladd. We (my husband, his son by a prior marriage and our two small. They are still here in tangible, physical, immortal bodies, totally unlimited, living a life of pure Heaven on Earth. Time is getting very short. From Donald. Needless to say, that area of Mount Shasta is where I’d be willing to place my bets as to an entrance into the mountain, if there really was one leading into the supposed lost colony of Lemurians. 14 6 Teleology and science See also Four causes The four causes in modern CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences, Peshawar ECONOMICS 1122 - Winter 2021 Teleology.pdf. I leave it up to you to probe into your heart as to what this all means. Some of the golden plates he found were engraved with certain drawings and hieroglyphics. Shasta, along with many other mysterious beings. The first inhabitants recorded date back as far as 7,000 … We are ancient Lumerians who have continued our… This awesome pyramid is also created as an inverted version of itself, reaching far down to the very core of the Earth. Once a week on Thursdays from 5-7pm, The Return to Source comes together at the Seed of Life in downtown Mt. Asara has been facilitating Galactic Contact Groups since 2010 in Mt. Telos has about 1.5 million inhabitants, and it exists in a dome. He was wandering Muir Woods in search of direction, and Saint Germain found him and directed him to go to Mount Shasta, where Peter found his spiritual teacher Pearl Dorris, and took the name of the mountain as his. Master Adama, High Priest of Telos has opened an energy portal which assists us in raising our vibration to the 5D frequencies of Telos and New Earth. Their mother tongue is the Lemurian language, but they also speak an impeccable English with a slight British accent. Acces PDF Mt Shasta Book Guide To Hiking Climbing Skiing Exploring The Mtn Surrounding Area 3rd Edition communities from all different faiths, some Summiting Mt Shasta … We have been here for eons since the sinking of Lumeria. The Lemurians’ advanced awareness and technology assist them to remain vigilant and unnoticed”.”Science Fiction? Go into your heart and explore how most of the animals are treated, used and abused by the supposedly “superior race”. Some people allege that Lemurians live in the subterranean city of Telos, an interplanetary and inter-dimensional portal. There are no volcano activities inside of Mt. First of all, only those who have attained close to a 5th dimensional awareness in their consciousness will be qualified. You may find them among some of the people you meet daily in your entourage. Most of you are not consciously aware that these initiations take place on the inner planes but nevertheless, they are taking place by how you live your daily life and unfold your consciousness regarding all aspects of your life. They had airships and flew them to Atlantis and other places. This rock formation is said to be an entrance to Telos on Mount Shasta. Copy Link. Subject: The Singing Voices From Mt. SEVEN SACRED FLAMES ZOOM WORKSHOP JANUARY 2021, Mount Shasta – The Sacred Gateway to the Stars, Hawaii: The Sacred Cosmic Rays & Flames Initiatic Retreat, Practices and Protocols of the 5th Dimension – Workshop, TELOS – Seven Sacred Flames Temple Journey Meditations, Telos Australia New Headquarters – Accommodation, Effects of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development, TELOS – Volume 3 – Protocols of the Fifth Dimension, TELOS Volume 1 – Revelations of the New Lemuria, TELOS Volume 2 – Messages for the Enlightenment of a Humanity in Transformation, The Ascension Flame of Purification and Immortality. Our message is also another wake-up call, dear ones. Just call on Adama, and request entrance. Mount Shasta has a tendency to reveal “herself” only to those who honor life, honor themselves for whom they truly are, honor the Earth, and honor all other kingdoms sharing this planet. The Old Ones In an article for Atlantis Rising entitled "The Hollow Earth : Myth or Reality," Brad Steiger writes of the legends of "the Old Ones," an ancient race that populated the surface world millions of years … Shasta has recently been sealed off by the government. Mount Shasta is not only a home for the Lemurians, but it is also an inter-planetary and inter-galactic multi-dimensional portal. Adama is the High Priest — the spiritual leader in the sacred Lemurian city of Light called Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. About 25,000 Lemurians were able to migrate the most important of their various administration into Telos, prior to the sinking of their Motherland. The dim memory of their far distant Lemurian ancestry is calling them back to a former point of origin. This means that they will have to embrace unconditional love for Self and for others as well as for all parts of life and all kingdoms. Save Article. Shasta story begins 6 months prior to my being taken inside the. Shasta you may wake up in the morning at a popular (and now defunct) swimming hole in its expansive national forests, with a beer can mysteriously ripped open and crushed, as though by a powerful clawed hand. Shasta. I AM ADAMA, Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City beneath Mt. The full story of Mount Shasta which is located in the Northern California United States which in its depths resides the city of light Telos, this mountain is known for its mysteries. Mount Shasta represents much more than just a mere mountain. Each Theory Behind It Tells a Different Story. Telos: 1st Transmissions ever received from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Beloved ones, we want to share with you that your long wait is almost over. Home The Starseed Circle Online Community Webinars Guided Journeys . 3 pages. Shasta Missing, Anderson, California. She says she was born in 1951 in a city called TELOS that was built inside an artificial dome-shaped cavern in the Earth a mile or so beneath Mt. Shasta Vortex Adventures operates under special use permit from the US Forest Service, is fully insured and operates on a non-discriminatory basis. He would return, he thought. This Message From Telos is given by me as a result of me talking with a very nice gentleman his name is Lowel Johnson. “Your government is constantly guarding against unusual discoveries”, he said. However, Brown was never seen again by any of the group, and what happened to him is anybody’s guess. Does Bonnie have the answers that we are looking for? “Three miles from the mouth of the tunnel I struck a cross-section containing gold-bearing ore and farther on, I struck another cross-section where an ancient race apparently had mined copper,” he said later. They know not illness nor age within the Crystal subterranean city of  ‘Telos’ beneath Mount Shasta. We mention these requirements to you because there are many of you who are already familiar with us but are not aware that there are codes of entry to come to Telos. According to researcher William F. Hamilton, who claims to have met representatives of this society, the inhabitants of the subterranean ‘City of Telos’ underneath Mount Shasta are usually tall, blue-eyed blonds who number in excess of over one-and-a-half million in their large 5-leveled, 20-mile long underground city. Our Lemurian brothers and sisters are physically alive, living in Peace and Harmony. They would leave on June 19th at 1:00 p.m. They can also tele-port and make themselves invisible at will. There was an original set of caves there. Mount Shasta is part of the Cascade Mountain Range, located in Siskiyou County in Northern California about 45 miles from the Oregon border. An Ion-Mercury engine drives the planet-to-planet vehicles. Brown spent many days exploring, studying the hieroglyphics, and indelibly imprinting them in his mind. Listen. Mount Shasta is the entry point of the Light-Grids of this planet, where most of the energy comes first from the galactic and universal source before it is disseminated to other mountains and into the grids. Join me on the mountain. Entrance to Agartha in Antarctica. 620 Ski Village Dr Mt. They have evolved their sixth-sense, which enables them to communicate among themselves by extra-sensory perception. Shasta was a corner territorial boundary for four Native American peoples - the Shasta, Modoc, Ajumawi/Atsuwegi, and Wintu - Each year, the Wintu invoke the mountain's spirit with ritual dances that ensure the continued flow of the sacred springs. Probably not, but as Fox Mulder put it… I want to believe. (Cat Schuknecht/KQED) In 1987, an event called the Harmonic Convergence marked Mount Shasta as a destination for New Age spirituality. Twitter. Back then, they knew how to propel boats using energy radiated from crystals. We have not yet, as a species, understood that we are guests here on this planet. Shasta to Lemuria. Mt. Home / Telos Articles / Messages from Master Adama. The decline continued approximately 11 miles inside the mountain to where he found what he called “The Village Blets”, where many rooms and chambers were found. We feel your great desire to experience the wonders and magic of an enlightened civilization. My beloved ones, you are aware of the changes, and you act according to the feelings of the heart, listen, open and learn, everyday again, the path of light and love, the way that opens so many doors to a new reality that you are fulfilling. Shasta with Telos USA as we aligned ourselves with the new Lemurian energy that is being restored, in part, by a … Greetings brothers and sisters of the surface world, holding the light for so many. etc. Shasta & Telos Energy Portal Join me on the mountain. It is the lo­cation where most of the energy arrives initially from the galactic and universal core before it is disseminated to other mountains and into the rest of the grids. (530) 926-1314 Telos, a Lemurian colony under Mt. Thank you, Phillip, for connecting me with them! They also believed that an invisible race of little people, about four feet tall, living along its slopes as Guardians. owned into a U … Mt Shasta Retreat 2020; Articles. Legend has it that deep below Mt. Shasta casts a rather startling, imposing presence for those who first lay eyes upon it. Mysterious stories about an underground city were one factor that attracted me to live in Mount Shasta. Mt. We chose to enlarge these caverns to make them bigger and more livable. “Bonnie is a real person”, said Mr. Hamilton. Equipped with lanterns and miner’s paraphernalia he set out to explore. One explanation is that there are spacecrafts coming and going constantly from a spaceport deep within the mountain. If somebody wants to enjoy the stars or wander a bit on the mountain, he'll use these. There can be no doubt that Mt. This is your homework dear ones. With the initiation of hundreds of planetary students, you have learned the wisdom of ancient lemuria We invite you to the 10th Journey - Journey to the Shesta Summit ... For a journey of the canals, at the planetary light gate - the mountain of the river. Shasta in 1997 I have had a connection with the hidden city of Telos beneath the mountain. There are numerous accounts and sightings suggesting that an ancient race that utilizes high technology now resides in the bowels of Mount Shasta in the Cascade Range of northern California. It is not necessarily obvious. All members of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple are welcome to attend our online Full Moon devotional on December 30 at 7pm Pacific time to participate in our lunar candle-lighting ceremony. Asara is a trance-channel for the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light, Archangel Michael and Adama of Telos. In 1934, at the age of 79, Brown appeared in Stockton, California. They have technology that makes us surface dwellers, look as toddlers compared to them. Dr. M. Doreal claimed years ago that he visited the Lemurians inside their mountain. The citizens of Telos, formerly of Lemuria, are working toward the Ascension. The refinement that these initiations will bring to your consciousness will open the doors for you not only of Telos, but also of the New Lemuria, places of magic and wonders. “This city was constructed just prior to the termination of the Lemurian continent. This was the first published reference linking Mt. Adama is the High Priest — the spiritual leader in the sacred Lemurian city of Light called Telos beneath Mount Shasta, CA. It will lead you to Selfdiscovery, to the wonders of who you really are that have eluded you for so very long. Shasta in California. And then he came upon a macabre scene – in one chamber he counted 27 skeletons, the smallest of which was 6’6″ and the largest stretching out more than 10 feet. She said it is huge, as big as the whole county. Shasta & Telos Energy Portal. Today Pluto's Cave is believed by modern spiritualist to be an entrance into the Inner Earth, where aliens live underground in a secret city.” They also have the ability to make their spaceships invisible and soundless to avoid being detected by the local and national military. #107 Mount Shasta, CA 96067 Tel. I asked Steve Reynolds, the teacher of an English course on critical writing at the College of the Siskiyous, if I could use Telos as the subject of my special project. Telos Codes of Entry..... 51 7. Telos is also called “The Crystal City of Light of the Seven Rays.” In the future Telos will manifest on the planet’s surface. There are several thousand people on this planet who have already reached these levels of initiations and beyond in the last few years. Shekinah saw the vastness of Telos in her mind's eye as she drove through the area. Shasta in Northern California. Some of the first accounts of strange phenomena by white settlers began when passengers on some of the first trains within this region noticed very strange … All inhabitants of the Earth at that time considered Lemuria the land of Mu, their motherland, and there was much weeping on the Earth at this time. "Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father (Ra Mu), her sister Judy, her cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently to TELOS for rest and recuperation. When Bill Hamilton asked “Bonnie” to elaborate about the power-sources which her people utilize to propel the so-called “flying saucer” crafts, she replied: “A lot of it is crystal generated, particularly the atmospheric vehicles. Magical, mystical tours on Mount Shasta continue to bring unexpected fun, connections and unknown rewards galore as people from all … According to the ancient Indian tribes, the mountain is also known as a major portal on Earth With the new dispensations these initiations can be completed faster now than ever before in the history of earth’s evolution. They are of average intelligence and possess a peaceful heart. The Call Goes Out from the Subterranean City of Telos 3 Dedication In deepest Love and Gratitude, I dedicate this book to my Eternal Friends, Adama, Rosalia and Mikos. On Saturday, July 19th, I helped host a gathering in Mt. About Mt. The city exists in a dome. But the 80 persons who waited in vain for him that June day believed the authenticity of his story and they believe in the existence of the vast tunnel in Mount Shasta filled with golden artifacts.Unfortunately, J.C. Brown had never revealed the exact location of the secret tunnel in the mountain, and it is highly probable that these treasures of a prehistoric era will never again delight the eyes of another human. On Mt. They dress in white robes and sandals, but they have also been seen in very colorful clothing. She has given me excellent technical insight on the construction of a crystal-powered generator that extracts ambient energy. When the scientists and priests of Lemuria realized their continent was about to sink, they petitioned a group called the Agharta Network, which controlled all the subterranean cities. This is a very important video that is very important in that it contains a direct message to us on the surface from the Inner Earth Society that lives beneath the Mt Shasta Moutain and the surrounding area. Everyone who enters our doors, no matter who they are and where they come from, need to meet the level of spiritual development needed to be introduced to a fifth dimensional vibration. It is a mystical power source for this Earth and a focus for a City of Light, for an­gels, spirit-guides, spaceships and ascended masters from the Light Realm and many dimensions. Two of the bodies were mummified, each clad in colorful, ornate robes. Peter Mt. In Mount Shasta is also the home of the present-day Lemurians, survivors of the sinking of the continent of Lemuria over 12,000 years ago. They became so fearful of humans, that they collectively asked the spiritual hierarchy of this planet for the dispensation to be elevated in their frequency, so that they could make themselves invisible at will, in order to be able to continue their evolution unharmed and in peace. For those gifted with clairvoyant abilities, Mt. The full story of Mount Shasta which is located in the Northern California United States which in its depths resides the city of light Telos, this mountain is known for its mysteries. And so, after 30 long years, Brown surfaced. 7 pages. Aug 31, 2018. Shasta in California, where over a million of us dwell. If you’d like to attend this ceremony, please join the Mt Shasta … This large continent disappeared overnight into the Pacific Ocean over 12,000 years ago in a vast cataclysm. “They grow food hydroponically under full-spectrum lighting with their gardens attended by automatons. Shasta.”Bonnie, her mother (Rana Mu), her father (Ra Mu), her sister Judy, her cousins Lorae and Matox, live and move in our society, returning frequently to TELOS for rest and recuperation. There is so much more that could be said about Mount Shasta! “TELOS - A Subterranean City beneath Mt. My … Many truth seekers who have felt and heard in their heart the “Call of the Mountain” have moved into this area where they feel they have finally “come home”. They met nightly for six weeks to plan the expedition, and also to listen to Brown’s fabulous tales of lost continents, hieroglyphics, and the enticing descriptions of the treasure, which seemed to be just within their grasp. A tube transit tunnel is used to connect the cities that exist in various subterranean regions in our hemisphere. But every so often, another mysterious story surfaces, new casts of characters emerge and attention is centered once more on the mystic mountain. Brown disclosed that he had spent much of the previous thirty years searching for ancient records pertaining to the Lemurians, and his mental pictures of the hieroglyphics in the tunnel village had convinced him that he had found the lost link in the story of civilization. Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones Greetings Beloved Ones on the eve of your last Valentine's Day in this millenium. Many species of the animal kingdoms have also become invisible. The leading character in the following story is a baffling man by the name of J.C. Brown who, in 1904, was employed with the Lord Cowdray Mining Company of London, England. “When will the doors of Telos be opened to surface dwellers”? Robbins, Dianne. And beloveds, you who are reading this writing, know in your heart, that they have never left. Today Pluto's Cave is believed by modern spiritualist to be an entrance into the Inner Earth, where aliens live underground in a secret city.” Photograph (C) … Brown, a geologist, thought the entire scene was unnatural and began to dig out the mouth of the cave, which was full of debris and vegetation. We would like you to experience what can be accomplished on the surface when the majority of the surface population adopts our way of life. Bonnie is sincere, cheerful, and rational. That’s the way it has been for years and probably will always be. The entrance to Mt. I am Adama, your Lemurian brother; I wait for you on the other side of the initiations of your Christhood. Things have not changed so much on Earth in our days. The energy portal assists us in raising our own vibrational frequency and facilitates higher awareness as we travel to Telos in our consciousness and etheric bodies. It was always intended and agreed at the beginning that all kingdoms would be honored, and be allowed to share this planet “equally”. They called in the Stockton police, but no trace of the man was found. Copy Link. Master Adama, High Priest of Telos has opened an energy portal which assists us in raising our vibration to the 5D frequencies of Telos and New Earth. They are still here, but in a slightly higher frequency and thus, invisible to us. They are said to be descendants of an ancient society from the lost continent of Lemuria, living deep inside the mountain in round houses, and enjoying unlimited health and wealth, and true brotherhood. Mount Shasta ist der Kegel eines erloschenen Vulkans, der zu einer Höhe von über 14’162 Fuss (ca. At some point in our near future, hopefully within the next twelve to twenty years, this wondrous city of Light is destined to be lowered into our physical realm, and become the first city of Light to manifest tangibly on the surface of this planet. There are also reports of the Bigfoot race of people being seen on some remote areas of Mt. Here's some descriptive information on what life is like in Telos, the Lemurian city below Mount Shasta. have been and still are used. Today, they have a whole fleet of spaceships called the “Silver Fleet” with which they come in and out of the mountain and go out into space. “I know this is a simplification. As you diligently do your spiritual work and gain momentum on your path of ascension, you will soon come much closer to these goals. Mount Shasta - der "magische Berg" durch Aurelia Louise Jones Mount Shasta ist ein höchst majestätischer Berg, Teil des Gebietes der Cascade Mountains und gelegen in Siskiyou County in Nord-Californien ungefähr 45 Meilen von der Grenze von Oregon. The Legend of Telos. The lava tunnels in Mt. Facebook . Telos is home to the ancient Lemurians who continue to live today in the Fifth Dimension frequencies and higher. The list is endless, and could be the subject of several encyclopedias. While examining the curious stone, he noticed it blocked the entrance to what appeared to be a cave. And one the entrances to Telos found in Mt. 10 min. Bonnie’s father, Ra Mu, is 300 years old and a member of the ruling council of Telos”.”Many tunnels are unsafe and closed off. 14 were here. These accounts are so well known that many of the travel guides to the Shasta area mention the legends of the ancient people who are said to dwell within this ancient volcanic peak. Many more are constantly adding to the ranks of those who are achieving. Call Shasta Vortex Adventures at 530.926.4326 visit our office at 400 Chestnut St., Mt. He began to see that it was not a small cave and after much digging found himself in a tunnel which curved downward into the mountain. Please try again. You can call Mount Shasta the entry point of the Light-Grids of this planet, where most of the energy comes first from the Galactic and Universal core before it is disseminated to other mountains and Earth grids. I can’t help but wonder what other surprises the Universe has in store for us. For accelerated initiation, to the glamorous days of Planet Earth. Shasta. Later, other books followed, all elaborating further on … The name Telos means “communication with spirit”. Bonnie is humorous, easy-going and well poised, yet sometimes she becomes brooding and mysterious”. We know that you can all do this in the required time. A shop window on Mount Shasta’s main boulevard displays a book on Lemurian portals. It is not our desire to make you feel that these goals are unattainable and leave you hopeless. Be assured that your personal invitation will not be forthcoming until you meet the requirements of that code of entry. Everyone loves a mystery, especially a mystery about Mount Shasta. Remember always that Love is the key, dear ones. Telos, a Lemurian colony under Mt. According to the ancient Indian tribes, the mountain is also known as a major portal on Earth They have also obtained the dispensation to be able to make themselves invisible at will to be able to avoid confrontation with us and thus, like the little people, avoid being harmed, mutilated and used as a slave race. There has been little variation in her story and her answers in the past three years. (2) Telos is an underground city within the mountain inhabited by Lemurian descendants. There's a lot of legend and mysticism surrounding Mount Shasta. She is also a Mentor for Lightworkers, Healers, Holistic Health Practitioners, Channelers, Artists and … They control most of their technology with their mind. Shasta. The food and resources of Telos are distributed in plenty to the million-and- a-half population that thrives on a no-money economy”. Strange lights and sounds are often seen or heard on mountains. The Children of Telos ... telos-original-transmissions-from-the-subterranean-city-beneath-mt-shasta-by-dianne-robbins.pdf. (I know that this last paragraph will raise many eyebrows, but it needs to be said. Bonnie relates that her people use boring machines to bore tunnels in the Earth. Some even gave up their jobs and some sold much of their personal property during those six weeks, so certain were they that their lives would be altered and enriched after their remarkable discoveries. The Telos books will give you so much more information about this magic mountain than this short        writing can. I am Shaliah, representative of Telos, a beautiful pristine city of many wonders and beauties deep within Gaia under your Mount Shasta. He believed the other cross-sections outcropped on some other part of the mountain. The legend centers around the accidental discovery of a subterranean reliquary, purporting to contain the treasures and skeletal remains of a lost civilization of prehistoric giants. After the gold rush, the cave was used by secret societies initiations and rituals. The mystical formation of Lenticular clouds, shadows and amazing sunsets add to the mystical intrigue of this mountain. The energy portal assists us in raising our own vibrational frequency and facilitates higher Shasta. There have been many fascinating myths and legends written about this northern California giant, and the solitary mountain simply slumbers on, her secrets intact. The Lemurian told the man that there were a series of tunnels left by volcanoes that were under the earth like freeways — a world within a world.The Lemurians supposedly have mastered atomic energy, telepathic and clairvoyant skills, electronics and science as long as 18,000 years ago. Let’s now continue with Mount Shasta). From those of you who have become aware of our existence beneath Mount Shasta, we feel your great longing to come to Telos and meet us face to face. But for hundreds of thousands of years, humans have taken over, arrogantly thinking that they are the superior race, and that they have the right to control and manipulate other kingdoms that appear to be more vulnerable than they. Know that you are all welcome to visit Telos in your etheric forms at night. He granted my desire. Shasta is embraced in a gigantic, etheric purple pyramid whose capstone reaches far beyond this planet and into space! Shasta. Bonnie speaks about her home, Telos, a city built a mile or so beneath Mount Shasta, CA. In modern times, Mount Shasta is better known as a “New Age” mecca and entrance into the Hollow Earth, rather than a sacred mountain grounded in Native American cosmology and history.
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telos mt shasta entrance 2021