Dragonflies have been around since before the dinosaurs, and certainly as long as humans have been around. The more modern name of the dragonfly comes from the myth that they once were dragons. They are powerful yet graceful – even in high wind. This stands for the fact that with changes, growth, and development in your life, comes with new beginnings and opportunities, so choose to embrace and take on them with renewed Determination, purpose, and courage.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'richardalois_com-box-4','ezslot_3',161,'0','0'])); A dragonfly’s ability to move at a baffling 45 miles per hour speed, fly backward like the hummingbird, hover easily like a helicopter, fly in any direction both down, up, and sideways screams power and determination. Use the image of the dragonfly to awaken its symbols within you as you begin, then focus on bring your vibration in alignment with this transformative and strong energy. Finally, the fact that as the dragonfly advances to the latter stages of life, it becomes more colorful and more beautiful. It is also worth noting that having a dragonfly in your dreams might have different meanings depending on your culture, geographical location, and ways of life. When you see one, be reminded of these qualities in yourself. This will only tell you to connect to your emotions, know who you are, where you are going, and what you want from this life? Dragonfly Meaning in the Realm of Animal Symbolism: As a creature of the wind, the dragonfly totem represents change.It’s iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows – lest we run into stormy weather. You may be ending something soon, such as a job, relationship, or chapter in your life. Let’s start with something nice. It is from the Greeks that they get their root name, Odanates, which means tooth. This simple but effective and graceful way in which the Dragonfly goes about its business speaks volumes about its poise and the need to go about our business as humans like the Dragonfly. When you are at that stage of your life where you tend to take everything seriously, ever sad and always stressed, the Dragonfly as a spiritual appearance to you can serve as a message to you to be happy, embrace life, get rid of the unnecessary stress and live it large. Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie! Let it teach you to look out for the gifts and beauty that you encounter each day. This is good most of the time because it means you are very connected with your emotions. Then let your own energies guide you from there. The beautifully colored wings of the dragonfly are very sensitive and responsive to these air motions. Just as a dragonfly catches your eye with its reflective wings and body, Dragonfly Spirit appears to tell you to pay attention to the truth beyond the illusion and recognize the insights that come seemingly out of nowhere, peeking through from … The tree line connected with the dragonfly dates millions of years back. It usually symbolizes something that is being unfolded in your journey. Then offer a small prayer of gratitude for your dragonfly spirit guide. Live in the Moment, Enjoy Life, and Open your Eyes, [Video] Spotting a Dragonfly: the Universe May Be Sending You an Important Message, Dragonfly as it can do anything, including flying 45 miles/hour, backward, sideways, and even downwards, Dragonfly as your Totem or spiritual animal. The symbolic and spiritual meaning of a dragonfly is transformation and adaptability. The more you tune into their symbolism, the easier it will be to find balance and maturity in your emotional life. They believed that a dragonfly is the reincarnation of a dead person. Every culture and civilization throughout human history has developed a folklore and meaning behind the existence of the dragonfly. Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www.Ask-Angels.com. Or perhaps it’s simply time to take a moment to be consciously grateful for the lightness and joy that you do have. Dreaming of a Dragonfly – Meaning and Interpretation. As if this is not enough it has to change and adapt 17 times in those 210 days yet this does not hinder it from flying 45 miles per hour, operating in any direction it likes and however it wants, living its life to the fullest when given that opportunity, adapting and embracing changes and new opportunities in life. Like the whale for the Australians and the New Zealanders, the spiritual meaning of the dragonflies is considered worldwide to have some effects when you see it or dream of it. When your subconscious is calling this spirit animal into your life, you might be in line for a transformation. Every time it starts a new phase of life after a molt, it symbolizes change and the fact that changes are necessary, and never shy away from them or be afraid of them. This gives Dragonfly the symbolic value of a spiritual guide particularly through tricky winds. Oct 8, 2020 - Explore Doris LLamosas's board "Spiritual meaning of Dragonfly, butterfly ,blue bird,....." on Pinterest. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'richardalois_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',164,'0','0']));If you ever dream of Dragonflies, then it’s time to change and adapt to its way of life. When a dragonfly lands on you this counts in particular. When a dragonfly lands on you this counts in particular. Having it as your Totem will always keep you on your toes to achieve these values and characteristics. Life is complex and as creatures of both air and water, dragonflies remind us of this. People who consider a dragonfly to be their spiritual guide, opt for dragonfly tattoos. Many people believe that God chooses to communicate or make himself known to them through unique ways, like through nature. Below we delve deeper into more meanings and symbols of the Dragonfly across the world. Not only does the dragonfly symbolize change in life, it specifically represents a change in perspective and a shift toward self-realization. The totem of the dragonfly holds the insights of adaptability and transformation. Let the dragonfly be a reminder to you to live life fully present. Animal Symbolism: Dragonfly Meaning. Perhaps you are in need of more lightness and joy in your life? Dragonflies have a very short lifespan of about 210 days, and most of their life is spent in immaturity. Having the Dragonfly as your Totem or spiritual animal speaks volumes about your personality, behavior, and what type of person you are. An orange dragonfly stands for warmth, balance, and enthusiasm. Seeing a dead dragonfly represents the ending of one season and new beginnings on the horizon. The affinity for water that the dragonfly shares means that many native tribes use representations of it in prayers and ceremonies that call upon the power of water. In Romanian tradition, it is believed that the dragonfly is a horse that is possessed by a devil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism of Dragonflies in Different Cultures and Religions Dragonflies move easily in all six directions. The different stages of its life express growth and the changes that come with growth. As Totem or Spirit Animal, the Dragonfly can guide us to become more self-assertive, positive, and optimistic. “Dragonflies are reminders that we are light/and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.” – Robyn Nola. If you’re feeling stuck in a situation that seems impossible to navigate, call on the dragonfly spirit animal for help. It remains elegant in its strength. They live a complete life in only seven months. It teaches people to move from their comfort zones, explore those things they have never done, and punch them well above their weight. Exploring Spirit Guides and the Dragonfly Meaning . Alternatively, the dream can also represent instability, flightiness, or activity. Religious uses of the Dragonfly include the famous “Holy Cross-in-Water” emblem of Saint Mauritius, the companion of Saint Lucy and, of course, the Cross. The dragonfly is a carefree insect tat symbolizes free spirit, swiftness, and activity. In some other parts of the world, the appearance of a dragonfly means there’s going to be growth and positive development on your part as the person who sighted it. Some cultures imagined dragonflies as elemental messengers with the spirits of Devas inside them. It’s one of the oldest species on Earth – well, at least when it comes to its ancestors. Living life as humans is hard enough with all the obstacles and challenges in our day to day life, but it does not mean that we should give up entirely. They show us how to navigate life’s storms with confidence and ease. Consider dedicating a meditation session toward dragonfly energy. The Spiritual Meaning of the Dragonfly reveals a path to freedom, to new worlds and new ways of being. In almost every part of the world, there is an animal or an insect that has a deeper meaning just for its presence. In this post, we go in depth into Dragonfly Meaning & Symbolism. There is a sense of mystical and divine contact, as if the dragonfly is a passed loved one. The final, and perhaps most important lesson of the dragonfly lies in its short life span. Learn more about how you can access every premium Meditation and Angelic Activation now! Reading into this might lead you to find the maturity, balance, and courage to forge ahead with your life. In nature, Dragonfly is an amazingly powerful and graceful navigator, flying up to 45 miles per hour. Am I hiding something from myself or others? Dragonflies are thought to be invincible in Japan, and some myths indicate that warriors put them on armor or carried dragonfly totems into battle. The impact and meaning of the Dragonfly are interpreted differently depending on the place. The fact that the adult dragonfly breaks free from its larval stage (in which it remains for a major part of its life), is a symbol for freedom. They learn to scurry across water surfaces – a strong symbol of looking beyond the surface of a person or situation. The spiritual significance of a dragonfly is often seen as a sign of soul evolution. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. What it … Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of www.Ask-Angels.com. When it comes to spirit guides, also referred to as totems, things can get a little confusing. Let them be your inspiration. Dragonfly spirit animal meaning symbolizes change and transformation and being open for experiencing new things. The dragonfly is a symbol of transformation and change. Whether you need to adapt, see things differently, gain some poise to navigate a tricky situation, or raise your vibration to release negative energies that are holding you back, dragonfly energy can help. Dragonfly enters our life when our joy diminishes or when we start taking things too seriously. The dragonfly has many symbolic meanings and symbolic uses. This means that many feel a certain presence with the appearance of a dragonfly. New people, places, and situations are easy – it’s where you shine. Their ability to fly on water gracefully and in an agile manner fascinates humans to study them and, hence, attach meaning to their character and features.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'richardalois_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',160,'0','0'])); As introduced above, Dragonflies mean growth and development, adaptability, transformation, change, and self-awareness towards the place it has been sighted or the person that sights it. Negative Traits of the Dragonfly Spirit Animal. The dragonfly represents change and light. One of the first winged insects, dragonflies have inhabited the Earth for over 300 million years. The Dragonfly symbolism is used to indicate personal transformation and the ability to learn and adapt in life. The dragonfly spiritual meaning looks mysterious and magical, and its name seems to point to a world of elves with thin transparent wings. What better insect for God to manifest himself in to deliver or woo his people towards better ways than the Dragonfly. Because of their connection to water, dragonflies are tied to our emotional selves. It is a spirit animal that is said to arrive from the realms of spirits, fairies, and magical beings. When you’re in the middle of a storm, let Dragonfly show you the way out with confidence. Dragonfly holds the totem powers and secrets of bringing telepathic messages carried on the wind. Generally, if you start seeing Dragonflies around you, it is like a wake-up call for you to align your life with how a Dragonfly lives. If you’ve watched them, you’ve become aware of their grace and poise. Focus on self-awareness, working with the elements, or understanding your current emotions. The Dragonfly is the spirit animal of pure potential & breaking free of old paradigms, bringing new self awareness and perspectives. Biblically the Dragonfly is also talked about as the bringer of light in the darkness of people’s hearts (2nd Corinthians 4:6). eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'richardalois_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',165,'0','0']));In your path, the spiritual meaning of dragonflies might also mean that you are not in touch with your emotional self, which might affect your life negatively. Dragonfly people will also likely experience many evolutions and metamorphoses throughout life. Dragonflies symbolize this maturity as well as our ability to see the deeper meaning of life. They are spiritual creatures connected to light and change. I’ve always loved dragonflies. The totem of the dragonfly holds the insights of adaptability and transformation. They can travel upwards of 45 miles per hour, fly backwards, hover like a helicopter, and change direction with seemingly impossible speed. If your personal spirit animal is a dragonfly, you’re likely to be highly adaptable and quick thinking. So many of our problems contain an element of not being able to accept our emotions. This spirit totem is synonymous with lightness and joy. Native American Spirituality and Dragonfly A Deeper Look at the Spiritual Meaning of Dragonflies. Dragonflies are beautiful creatures with a long and interesting history. This also reinforces the symbol of self-realization as you can only live in the moment or to the fullest if you know who you are, what you should and should not do, and finally where you are going.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'richardalois_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',162,'0','0'])); The Dragonfly has the most amazing and eye-catching eyes among the insects, and since it is believed that the brain capacity of insects is mostly in its sight and its ability to see things in its 360-degree range. Want a free guided .mp3 angel meditation by Melanie? They are spiritual creatures connected to light and change. Enter Your Email Below & Get Energy Healing With Your Angels FREE! As the dragonflies also live underwater, it reminds us as human beings to always embrace the things that make us who we are and still stay in contact with one’s emotions. Generally, the Dragonfly means there is looming change, impending transformation, self-realization, and a sense of adapting to any environment or circumstances. It never lets the obstacles like the wind to deter it from its goals and what it desires or wants. Well, it’s all because of the dragonfly presence in your life. Oracle Message: Dragonfly Spirit is here to remind you of the wisdom and truth available at all times in the hidden realms. It may also indicate that something in your life may not appear as it seems or is an illusion. Perhaps you are in need of more lightness and joy in your life? All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2021 Ask-Angels.com & Melanie Beckler, Testimonials | Privacy Notice | Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Sitemap, {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"62516":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"62516":{"val":"var(--tcb-skin-color-0)"}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, 11 Dragonfly Meanings – Dragonfly Symbolism-Meaning of the Dragonfly. The spiritual meaning of a dragonfly is transformation. Even today, it’s a widespread belief that dragonfly is a messenger from Heaven, that our beloved ones sending us a message they are okay and they are watching on us. The Dragonfly only flies for a small fraction of its life because it spends most of its life as immature or to the scientists as a nymph. The most notable spiritual meaning of a dragonfly is transformation and metamorphosis, and coincidently death is also a symbol of change and transformation. These people, when tapped into their highest vibration and purpose, have the ability to soar to great heights in this lifetime. Wind has a significant role in the life of a dragonfly and as a result of it being a wind creature the dragonfly symbolizes change and dynamism. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. This informs human beings of the power of their eyes and their correlation to the mind and how you can easily see beyond humans’ limitations. Whether you suspect that dragonflies could be your spirit animal or you're interested in discovering the spiritual significance of dreaming about a dragonfly or why a dragonfly visits you, you've come to the right place. Dragonflies symbolize transformation and adaptability and looking at dragonflies in the spiritual perspective will inspire us to be the same, to fully embrace our own transformation and become more aware of our self as part of the divine realms. Before we go ahead and unpack the symbols associated with the Dragonfly across the world, we should first understand why in the first place, is it a symbol? Dating way back to over 300 million years back, the constant presence of Dragonflies in human life has given them time to coin legends and myths, adapt them, and pass them over to the next generation. Two qualities that come with the acceptance of change and maturity. Some of the common dragonfly meanings may include adaptability, transformation, change, lightness, and joy, an invitation to dive deep into the feelings, the empire of emotions, searching for internal and external dishonesties, and misapprehensions, as well as the kingdom of natural fairies … With roughly 20 times more power in each flap of its wings, it isn’t a clunky or heavy insect. Because of this, dragonflies take on the role of spiritual guides for us. It can change direction and even fly backward. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you are stuck in an emotional pattern or just stuck in a temporary rut, give over to the dragonfly’s transformative power. But, the meaning of the dragonfly as a spirit animal is different in Romanian folklore. Maturity and presence are words often used to describe them. Do you have the feeling that you need to impart knowledge? The energy it brings will give you flexibility and a fresh perspective. Healing rituals and prayers for rain often make use of rattles adorned with … Because of this, the ability to be open to it and accept it requires maturity. Dragonfly spirit animal also indicates wisdom and deep thoughts as Dragonflies are not exactly the biggest and most energetic creatures in the world.
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spiritual meaning of dragonfly 2021