US assassination of Iranian general Qassem Suleimani. Pompeo’s vague threat at the end of their meeting – “People will hear about this” – darkly echoes Donald Trump’s warning about former ambassador Yovanovitch, “Things are going to happen to her,” and more recently about representative Adam Schiff: “He has not paid the price, yet.”. A model of inquisitorial technique, she calmly talked over him even when he was loud and insistent. The senators couldn’t be more correct, nor could this situation – like so many we face today – be more alarming. Mary Louise Kelly is a West German-born American broadcaster and author. How happily we could chuckle at Pompeo’s public meltdown if our future weren’t threatened by his – and every politician’s – disregard for the truth, by every attempt to bully, discredit and silence our all-important free press. Meanwhile Kelly was finding ways to pierce Pompeo’s doggedness: his robotic armor. In fact Pompeo’s demeanor provides a window into White House culture: the shouting, intimidation, vindictiveness and untruth. I thought of those episodes while listening to NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly’s January 24 interview with secretary of state Mike Pompeo. Mary Louise Kelly is one hell of a journalist to choose to pull this shit on. "It is worth noting," he concludes with no further explanation, "that Bangladesh is NOT Ukraine.". Before celebrities and their publicists figured out that a goofy, faux-homeboy named Ali G was actually the smart, edgy comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, a succession of political and cultural figures – Newt Gingrich, C Everett Koop, James Baker, Gore Vidal, EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman, among others – agreed to sit for televised interviews with the “rapper.” Almost always, Ali G’s calculatedly crass, good-humored stupidity brought out his subjects’ petty vanity and condescension, their humorless self-importance. First, last month, in setting up our interview and, then again yesterday, in agreeing to have our post-interview conversation off the record. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, … Joe Raedle/Getty Images Ali G, Veep – the egregious character flaws that Pompeo revealed in his treatment of Kelly might seem simply grotesque or even comical if it were a TV series, if our democracy weren’t at stake. Ferocious and vulgar, he claimed that America didn’t give an “f word” about Ukraine – a chillingly undignified pronouncement from our secretary of state. (You can listen to their exchange here.) Keep asking the hard questions! Kelly said Pompeo lashed out at her following an interview she conducted with him, swearing at her and demanding she locate Ukraine on an unmarked map. That unrecorded conversation took place when the Pompeo aide who cut off the formal interview summoned Kelly to the secretary's private living room. “NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice. NPR's senior leadership says it stands by Kelly's reporting on the secretary of state. ", Pompeo Won't Say Whether He Owes Yovanovitch An Apology. ", Pompeo asserts Kelly again lied "in agreeing to have our post-interview conversation off the record.". Prior to NPR she reported for CNN and the BBC in London. NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly wants to make sure “the substance” of her contentious interview with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo doesn’t get lost in the coverage of him attacking her. He put the map away. Source: The Guardian US secretary of state Mike Pompeo launched an extraordinary attack on a respected NPR journalist on Saturday, a day after reports emerged of him swearing at and trying to humiliate her by asking her to identify Ukraine on a map. In their recorded interview from Friday, the nation's top diplomat declined to respond when Kelly asked whether he owed an apology to Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. She knew when to reframe his assertion as a question, when to pose her query in the simplest possible terms. In this case, the interviewer’s true identity wasn’t the issue, but rather the fact that Kelly is so good at her job, persistent and tough in asking questions that Pompeo didn’t want asked. First, last month, in setting … Mike Pompeo, Secretary of Disgrace Image from: Screen Shot/YouTube Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was backed into a rather uncomfortable corner during an interview with Mary Louise Kelly on NPR’s Morning Edition. Outburst came after the end of a taped interview for “Morning Edition,” Kelly says. Kelly told her All Things Considered co-host Ari Shapiro on Friday that Pompeo, who had walked out of the interview only after "he leaned in, glared at me," was waiting for her in his private quarters. The unmaskings – the glimpses of bad character – were at once horrifying and hilarious. Love NPR and KUT programs and want to acknowledge Mary Louise Kelly’s great interview with Sec State Pompeo. "It is shameful that this reporter chose to violate the basic rules of journalism and decency," he writes. On Friday, NPR broadcast a 9-minute interview that host Mary Louise Kelly conducted that day with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Lansing allowed that tensions can and do arise when journalists ask officials hard questions. Mary Louise Kelly has a Master's degree in European Studies from Cambridge University. NPR's senior leadership says it stands by Kelly's reporting on the secretary of state. Throughout, their conversation provided the upsetting yet oddly pleasurable experience, so reminiscent of Ali G, of hearing Pompeo’s manner change as he began to realize that he’d underestimated the reporter. "We write to express our profound disappointment and concern regarding your irresponsible statement this morning about NPR Reporter Mary Louise Kelly and the corrosive effects of your behavior on American values and standing in the world," the senators wrote in a letter to Pompeo. "And let me just say this: We will not be intimidated. At that point a Pompeo aide announced that the interview was over. He asked, 'Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?' According to Kelly, a staffer asked her to meet with Pompeo in his office, where Pompeo shouted at the journalist. “NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice,” Mr. Pompeo said in the statement. "Mary Louise Kelly has always conducted herself with the utmost integrity," Barnes writes, "and we stand behind this report.". NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly Says Mike Pompeo Swore and Yelled at Her for Asking About Ukraine. On air, Pompeo cited the Trump administration’s “deep diplomatic efforts” and success in “building out” a “significant” coalition of nations to deal with Iran. NPR Senior Vice President for News Nancy Barnes issued a statement on Saturday supporting Kelly. He asked Kelly to identify Ukraine, which she did, correctly. Mary Louise Kelly at the 2018 Gracie Awards for women in media. "He was not happy to have been questioned about Ukraine. Pompeo steeled himself to continue, praising the current administration for working to repair the neglect and damage that, he asserted, Ukraine had suffered under Obama. Read our letter I thought of those episodes while listening to NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly’s January 24 interview with secretary of state Mike Pompeo. ", Contrary to Pompeo's claim, Kelly said she did not agree that their conversation would be off the record. He said, 'People will hear about this.' "But this goes well beyond tension — this goes toward intimidation," Lansing said. He used the F-word in that sentence and many others.". He does not explain how and offers no evidence. An NPR reporter alleged on Friday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo lashed out at her after an interview in which she pressed him on … Things further degenerated the next day when Pompeo channeled his fury at Kelly into a statement attacking the “unhinged” media’s efforts to damage the president. According to a transcript of the interview between NPR host Mary Louise Kelly and Pompeo, he repeatedly dodged questions on Ukraine … ", In a statement released by the State Department on Saturday, Pompeo says Kelly first lied "in setting up our interview.". I pointed to Ukraine. On Saturday, Pompeo issued a statement in which he wrote, “NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice. The unmaskings – the glimpses of bad character – were at once horrifying and hilarious. Someone must have failed to do due diligence, alerting the secretary to Kelly’s paradoxically calm and hard-hitting approach, to the unperturbed persistence with which – in interviews and in reporting from Russia, China and Iran – she has pursued the facts. Mike Pompeo is accusing veteran NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly of lying to him. Pompeo wrote off his comment about a "second Trump administration" as a joke, but he was the only one laughing. 'I've Done What's Right', a veteran national security correspondent. I’ve heard it suggested that Pompeo would never have treated a male reporter the way he behaved toward Kelly. And in a Saturday interview with All Things Considered, NPR President and CEO John Lansing also came to Kelly's defense. It’s possible, but hard to prove. She was ousted from that post last year after allies of President Trump accused her of disloyalty. Pompeo then had a pop quiz for Kelly, a veteran national security correspondent who has reported from China, Russia and, most recently, Iran. Mike Pompeo is accusing veteran NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly of lying to him. "This is another example of how unhinged the media has become in its quest to hurt President Trump and this Administration. efore celebrities and their publicists figured out that a goofy, faux-homeboy named Ali G was actually the smart, edgy comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, a succession of political and cultural figures – Newt Gingrich, C Everett Koop, James Baker, Gore Vidal, EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman, among others – agreed to sit for televised interviews with the “rapper.” Almost always, Ali G’s calculatedly crass, good-humored stupidity brought out his subjects’ petty vanity and condescension, their humorless self-importance. "Mary Louise Kelly is one of the most respected, truthful, factual, professional and ethical journalists in the United States, and that's known by the entire press corps," Lansing told host Michel Martin. The character flaws of the secretary of state would be grotesquely hilarious – if all our futures were not at stake, Last modified on Tue 28 Jan 2020 11.18 EST. In the latest assault on journalists, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is being accused of cursing out NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly during an interview. In expected fashion, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo released an official statement from the U. S. Department of State, attempting discredit Mary Louise … • Francine Prose is a former president of PEN American Center and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, ‘In NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly’s January 24 interview with Mike Pompeo, she was persistent and tough in asking questions that he didn’t want asked.’. Did he, at any time, object to the “back-channel” foreign policy governing our relationship with Ukraine? "I agreed to come on your show today," Pompeo replied, "to talk about Iran. After a speech Tuesday, President Donald Trump praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his treatment of NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was backed into a rather uncomfortable corner during an interview with Mary Louise Kelly on NPR’s Morning Edition. “It is no wonder the American people distrust many in the media when they consistently demonstrate their agenda and the absence of integrity.” This prompted five Democratic senators to write a letter condemning Pompeo’s assertions as “corrosive”. ", In his statement on Saturday, Pompeo further berates Kelly. Males do bully males, and one imagines a certain amount of that transpiring regularly in the Oval Office. When the Secretary rejected these “anonymous” allegations, Kelly quietly pointed out that they were made by a senior officer, Michael McKinley, testifying under oath. ", At a time when journalists around the world are being jailed for their reporting, Sec Pompeo’s insulting and contemptuous comments to NPR’s @NPRKelly are beneath the office of the Secretary of State. "He called out for his aides to bring him a map of the world with no writing, no countries marked. Kelly thanked Pompeo, who refused to speak to her but only glared. Thank you to all NPR … In a statement issued via the State Department on Saturday, Pompeo said, “NPR reporter Mary Louise Kelly lied to me, twice. Did Pompeo do anything to protect – or apologize to – ousted US ambassador Marie Yovanovitch? "And I stand behind her and I stand behind the NPR newsroom, and the statement from the secretary of state is blatantly false.". Mary Louise Kelly won't be intimidated, and NPR won't be intimidated. She knew when to cite the facts that contradicted Pompeo’s claims. He blamed Iran’s problems on Obama’s policies and characterized the US assassination of Iranian general Qassem Suleimani as an act that delivered a “message of freedom” to the oppressed and grateful Iranians. One imagines Pompeo or his staffers assuming that a pretty blonde woman with such a good-girl name, Mary Louise Kelly, would lob softballs and take notes as he explained the government’s Iran policy. Five Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — ranking member Bob Menendez of New Jersey; Cory Booker, also of New Jersey; Ed Markey of Massachusetts; Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Tim Kaine of Virginia — responded caustically on Saturday to Pompeo's statement. hide caption. When he portrayed the state department as an efficient, congenial unit, Kelly mentioned the career department officials who had resigned because of mismanagement and lack of support. She later said she specifically flagged her intention to do so in writing, noting, "I never agree to take any topics off the table. She anchors the daily news show All Things Considered on National Public Radio (NPR), and previously covered national security at the network. She said that while the staffer who led her to Pompeo's private quarters had stipulated that she not bring a recorder, "she did not say we were off the record, nor would I have agreed. And yet I couldn’t help thinking, with grim amusement, of the panicked aides likely ordered to produce, in minutes, a map of the world without words. Frazer Harrison Getty Images It’s not the first time that Pompeo has been combative with reporters. It is no wonder that the American people distrust many in the media when they so consistently demonstrate their agenda and their absence of integrity.". Yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo bungled an interview with NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly and stormed out instead of answering her last questions. One day after a contentious interview that was followed by an expletive-filled verbal lashing of NPR host Mary Louise Kelly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is publicly accusing her of lying to him — "twice. ", Kelly pushed back, telling Pompeo, "I confirmed with your staff last night that I would talk about Iran and Ukraine." I pictured the chaos – the perpetual damage-control hysteria – that’s business as usual for the staffers on the brilliant HBO series Veep. It was hard to miss the unease that crept into Pompeo’s voice when Kelly shifted the subject from Iran to Ukraine, which, he said, he hadn’t agreed to discuss. Early this year, Pompeo had a discussion with NPR host Mary Louise Kelly about the ousted ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, who testified at Trump's impeachment hearings in the House. What followed was more disturbing. Then, as he raged on, he produced a map of the world with the names of countries scrubbed out. National Public Radio host Mary Louise Kelly says Secretary of State Mike Pompeo screamed obscenities and demanded she prove she could find Ukraine on an unmarked map after an interview. "He shouted at me for about the same amount of time as the [9-minute] interview itself had lasted," Kelly told Shapiro. NPR's senior leadership says it stands by Kelly's reporting on the secretary of state. Mike Pompeo is accusing veteran NPR journalist Mary Louise Kelly of lying to him. "He asked if I could find Ukraine on a map; I said yes," she continued. It is shameful that this reporter chose to … He ends the statement with an assertion that appears to falsely imply Kelly was unable to locate Ukraine on a map. We’d imagine NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly was cackling with delight as she typed out her exceptional 17-word retort to Secretary of State’s Mike Pompeo ’s dismissive remark about the results of the U.S. presidential election. The … Kelly replied that his staff okayed it. "At a time when journalists around the world are being jailed for their reporting — and as in the case of Jamal Khashoggi, killed — your insulting and contemptuous comments are beneath the office of the Secretary of State. Previously, she spent a decade as national security correspondent for NPR News, and …
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