Support Enforcement (CSE)
A brief report and
recommendations for statewide automation of CSE in California
A National Tragedy
Fast Facts:
| 87% of eligible children in
California, get no support (Over 3,000,000 kids) |
| 86% of families needing child
support are headed by women |
| The stereotype of the deadbeat dad
being unemployed or in jail is a myth
| Less than 2% of dads are in
jail |
| The median income for non-custodial
fathers is over $30,000 per year |
| Approximately, 10 billion is owed to
children in California alone. |
| California is paying 100 million in
penalties per year for not having a Statewide child support system. |
This is a system that is pleading to get
done by IT professionals with proper motivation and skill in the use of 21st
Century tools. Locating anyone (i.e. non-custodial parent) is simple today
compared to just a couple of years ago. The application of current IT techniques
can make an enormous difference in the effectiveness of the CSE program and
still enable the developer to earn a living. Information-Age
tools will greatly improve CSE performance and at the same time reduce costs.
This kind of improvement has become fundamental to the "friction free"
economy that is powered by Internet and E-Commerce technology.
Background and Perspective
| CSE was established in 1975 with an
amendment to the Social Security Act. |
| The 1988 Family Support Act required
statewide systems by 1995, which was extended to 1997. |
| More than two billion has been spent in
developing these systems to date. |
| California and six other states still
do not have statewide systems and are paying penalties |
| The big players in Information
Technology have moved into welfare systems because it is the last of the
major government funded areas. Aircraft/Aerospace and federal programs
are winding down; the remaining big government programs
involve Human Services. |
Potential Risks as
the boundaries between public and private services go away
| Approximately fifteen states have partially "privatized " Welfare and Child Support |
| This is risky in the Health and Human
Services area because the "for-profit" motivation can easily put
the emphasis in the wrong places; for example, it can be more profitable to close a case
than to service the case. |
There was a valid reason for the
establishment of the Merit/Civil Service system a hundred years ago. There is
also a valid reason that it is difficult to discharge a Civil Service employee
(except for cause). The reason is so that they are insulated from and immune
to, improper, unethical or political pressures. Similarly, there is
a reason for the elaborate public-sector competitive bidding
process. When properly used, it is free from corruption, favoritism
or political pressure. These issues notwithstanding, there is still
enormous opportunity for developers to provide Civil Service staff with
E-Government tools and business process innovations to more effectively perform
human services functions. The best model, therefore, is a Public/Private
A few items about some of
the major developers:
| Maximus: Reported to be the
largest vendor specializing in welfare systems |
| Lockheed-Martin Information Management
Systems (IMS):
| Began developing welfare systems
about ten years ago |
| Government Services is the fastest
growing Division in IMS |
| Collects approximately 11% of CSE payments
nationwide |
| Anderson Consulting:
| Has an eChild Support front-end
that can easily be added to legacy systems |
| Has CSE systems operating in New
Mexico, Tennessee, Wyoming, Maryland, Texas, Arizona, and Guam |
| Electronic Data Systems (EDS):
| Every function or service starts
with an "e" |
| Features the Case Data System
originated in California |
| Deloitte Consulting:
| Has a system in Oklahoma called,
Statewide, Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS). This is a Federal program intended for all states. |
| Has a major project in LA County,
California, involving Public Assistance |
| American Management Systems (AMS): in
several states |
| Unisys: in several states and has
twenty years of experience |
Some of the
current system improvements:
| Most states have or will soon have,
call taking centers. Responding to calls is the primary drain on
Caseworker time. |
| Thirteen states have some form of
E-Gov/self service front-end that provides 24/7/365 service. |
Federal CSE Incentives
The Feds pay 66% of CSE costs and
incentive payments above that based on State performance. The formula for
incentives is being revised this year as follows:
Incentives are awarded based on points
earned in five areas:
| Paternity establishment percentage
(PEP) |
| Support orders established |
| Collections on current orders |
| Collections on past orders |
| Cost effectiveness |
The formulation is very complicated;
however, understandable:
| A percentage of effectiveness is
determined for each of the five categories |
| This percentage is multiplied by a
weighted factor |
| This derived percentage is multiplied
by the states potential collection base (also weighted) |
| Add the results in all five
categories to reach a factor for the state |
| The factors for all states are added
together to form the national total |
| The states' percentage of the
national total is multiplied by the incentive pool (422 million) to determine the states'
incentive amount. |
A new conceptual
system and business process recommendations
A new and federally certifiable; system is
well understood and relatively easy to integrate from existing software and
E-Government add-ons. It is the new business processes that must be BOLD
Several existing systems work fine and
only need the E-Government front-end and current tools and techniques for
searching disparate databases.
Adding the E-Gov. front-end will put the
new economy to work:
| Improves performance of limited staff |
| Provides full service 24/7/365 |
| Keeps parents informed on-line and
through email |
| Provides a window into existing
systems |
| Extends the life of legacy systems |
| Frees caseworker time for critical
tasks |
| Makes all resources more efficient |
The critical systems and business strategy
is to maximize incentive income from the Federal Government to the State, County
and caseworker. This strategy will maximize Child Support benefits and minimize
costs per dollar collected and distributed.
The E-Gov front-end is easy to install
today. This concept involves adding Internet tools to
provide comprehensive self-service information and the ability to apply for
services and modify personal data on-line without caseworker intervention.
A winning
scenario could be as follows:
| Add Internet tools and techniques to
the CSE System |
| Establish the "Virtual"
Call taking office. Put moms to work as call takers from home or
office. Provide appropriate computing and communications tools. |
| Establish daycare centers at offices
to increase the possibilities for moms to become caseworkers. |
| Let the caseworkers work at night if
that is better for them. Searching, locating and interfacing with a
couple thousand databases across the country would probably be more
efficient at night. |
| Establish a bonus and incentive pay
program for caseworkers based on the Federal incentives |
This is not as impractical as it may seem:
| San Mateo County California, already
outstations caseworkers to improve service and performance |
| The State of Utah already has a
comprehensive telecommuting policy and allows Human Services staff to
work form home with State equipment. |
| Washington County, Maryland already
provides bonuses based on performance measures. |
Other recommendations:
| If this is a vendor developed system, my recommendation would be to give the
Child Support Enforcement software to states in return for quarterly
payments based on incentives similar to the Federal formulation. |
| If this
is a state developed system, I would recommend giving the software to other
states and charge for installation and support. |
| I would
also recommend giving the District Attorneys a Case Management System in return
for payments based on use and reduced payments for priority response on orders
for paternity evaluation and support awards. |
| I would further recommend giving
the Courts a case management system in return for payments based on use and
reduced payments for rapid response on Child Support Enforcement. (These systems
already exist; developed with Internet Architecture) |
In my thirty years of developing systems;
I have never seen a system that was more important or more urgently needed than
Child Support Enforcement and yet, with current tools and techniques, it is well
understood and relatively easy to deploy.
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